Polaroid Transfers and Emulsion Lifts

Polaroid Transfers and Emulsion Lifts are some of my favorite techniques to experiment with. I love the organic nature of the process and how each image is unique. Unfortunately, peel apart instant films are a dying breed. I'm hoarding what I have currently. In the transfer technique, a Polaroid is exposed to an image and then the development process starts at soon as the film is pulled through the rollers and breaks the chemistry pack. Then the film is peeled apart shortly afterwards before full development of the instant photograph. The paper side which would normally hold the image is discarded and the other side that is usually discarded is transferred to a cotton paper. And then the transfer is peeled. back and you have your image. Emulsion lifts are a bit more difficult and require a soft hand. With emulsion lifts, you take a properly exposed Polaroid (peel apart) and simmer it in water until the emulsion separates from the paper back. Then you carefully maneuver the skin on to a paper, creating folds and creases where you like. It's all such a lovely process. I hate that some parts of analog photography are dying like this.